Tag Archives: ejeteam

Reifying Practice

26 Feb

Redefining Journalism Education

18 Feb

Today we brainstormed a plan for 2013 for the EJETeam (Enhancing Journalism Education Community of Practice), based around redefining journalism education by making explicit goals for the practice of our COP. These include:

  • Continuing to underpin our practice with theory validated in peer-reviewed articles
  • Embedding the use of Social media, such as:
  • Using Google Docs for collaborative publishing of book chapters, conference papers and journal articles based upon our experiences
  • Establishing a core suite of mobile social media tools for our courses, including: Twitter, WordPress, Vine, Google Plus, and Prezi
  • Modeling the use of mobile social media in classes via Airplay to wirelessly interact and collaborate live
  • Creating a recommended devices list for students – e.g. iPhone, iPad, MacBookAir, Galaxy S2/3, Galaxy Note2, SONY Xperia, SONY Vaio
  • Utilizing the LMS as a repository for course info and student profile pages to link to their external mobile social media portfolios (where the real actions happens!)
  • Explicitly capturing student feedback via social media

It’s going to be an exciting year!